
The TCK OBA is the oldest alumni association for a secondary school in Sri Lanka. It has branches in Kandy, Colombo, Nuwaraeliya, Hatton, Kurunegala, KV/Kegalle, Ratnapura and overseas branches in Australia, Canada, USA and the Middle East.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The most current OBA Newsletter

Trinity College Kandy - Old Boys’ Association
News Letter – End of Michaelmas Term 2009 –
(3rd Term)

The 3rd Term was from 5th August 2009 to 9th December 2009.

Message from the President

Dear Fellow Trinitians,

Yet another Academic year has come to an end at College and we are in to our last quarter in office, and thus I wish to appraise you of the present status of the activities undertaken by the OBA as mentioned in our last Newsletter.
Pallekelle Rugby Stadium
The exit road done to ease the congestion has yet to be concreted. This has been undertaken by the Pradeshiya Sabhawa and we have requested them to give priority to complete same before the season begins.
The security fence is yet to be completed. On the 24th of October 2009, a Tree Planting Campaign was done at the grounds where 35 Trees of various varieties were planted by the members of the Exco in places as instructed by the architect of the ground Mr. Ashley de Vos. Further, a plaque containing the name of the member who planted the tree and dedicated to a former Rugby Player or Coach of his choice will be placed at the foot of the tree.
Sports Development
The proposal submitted to the Principal in order to increase the participation of students in all disciplines has been well received. Many of the suggestions have already been implemented, especially conducting of Inter House tournaments for all Sports prior to the school season.
The proposed Drum & Dance Performance was rescheduled for the 22nd of January 2010 along with the Art Exhibition depicting the paintings of students and of the late Mr. Stanley Kirinde to the 22nd of February 2010 due to unavoidable circumstances. The launching of the CIM course (Chartered Institute of Marketing) took place on the 21st of November 2009 at the Auditorium. Presently around 19 students are attending and the classes are conducted by Synergy Ltd.
The job placement service is on going where many a dropout student has been found employment. A seminar on motivation was done by this committee for the staff of college which was conducted by Mr. K. Chandrasekaran an International trainer from India which was well attended and received.

Asgiriya Stadium Development Project

As reported in the last Newsletter the proposed one Square meter block sponsorship programme of Asgiriya took off on the 9th of October 2009 at the Felicitation Ceremony held by College for Kumar Sangakkara who obliged by purchasing the first plot.
The sale of these plots is still on going and we request Old Boys and well-wishers to purchase same. Please contact the secretariat for more information.
Further, an inspection was done by members of the ICC World Cup panel along with the Board of Control for Cricket in Sri Lanka to explore the possibility of playing two practice matches of the 2011 World Cup at Asgiriya. This committee is working hard towards developing the Asgiriya Grounds back to the International status it enjoyed earlier.
On the 5th of December 2009 a brain storming session with the participation of around 30 stake holders was held at the College Hall in order to map out the future plans to develop the Stadium to a Sports Complex with the possibility of establishing a Cricket Academy.

Entertainment Committee

The get together of the Old Boys and Girls of Kandy Schools under the title Kandy Bash 2009 was held at the CR & FC grounds on the 22nd of November 2009. This was the first time Trinity had taken part and it was noted that we need more Old Boys to participate in this event to represent us. Please make an effort in 2010 to be present in order to raise the red gold and blue flag
The Bio Gas and drip irrigation project was installed at the farm with the assistance of the Colombo and California Branches. Further a proposal has been received from M/S Cargill’s Ceylon Ltd. for a joint venture with Trinity and a visit by them to the Farm has been arranged for the 16th of January 2010, in order to tour the farm and obtain necessary data.
As mentioned in the last Newsletter the College Farm needs financial assistance for various infrastructure developments and we request any Old Boy or group of Old Boys who are in a position to help to contact the secretariat for further information.
I am happy to note that the Ratnapura Branch has been re activated recently. We wish The President and the Committee success in keeping this Branch active and alive.
Further, I take this opportunity to thank those branches that have paid in their affiliation fees for 2009 and kindly request the others to do so without further delay.
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors has requested us to submit a paper on our proposal to develop the Asgiriya Stadium and the Pallekelle Stadium for their observation and consideration
Many more news in the next letter
Wishing you all a Prosperous New Year.
Warm Regards
Brig. J.P.A. Jayawardena
President TCKOBA
Other OBA News
The 3rd ,4th & 5th Executive Committee meetings and four Office Bearers meetings were held during this term. The 4th Executive Committee meeting was held at Pallekelle to coincide with the Tree Planting Campaign.
The Sub Committees have submitted their proposed plans of development and will start implementing them at the earliest. We will keep you informed of same in order to raise funds when necessary.
It is with great sadness we report the demise of our first manager of the Secretariat Mr. Rohan Madena. His place has been taken up by Mr. HS.A.P. Samarasekara and we request you to give him all the assistance needed.
Mr Rohan Madena,
Manager-[2002- 2009]
Benefits to members
The discounts on Travel & Hotel Rooms are still applicable as per the last Newsletter to the members. Further, we are negotiating with leading clothing retailers & Hospitals to obtain discounted rates for all members of which we will notify in due course.
We are further exploring an Insurance scheme with leading Insurance Companies to cover parents who may get in to financial difficulties, which may affect the payment of school fees.
The Board of Governors and the Principal have consented to give Old Boys a concessionary admission fee for their sons at the time of admission from the year 2010 based on the recommendation of the OBA (The Association) which will take in to account a member’s participation in the activities of the Association.
This matter is being discussed at length amongst the members and we propose to introduce an acceptable system to all, which may include an amendment to the Constitution.
Cricket Foundation
The Cricket Foundation in their last Newsletter highlighted the achievements of the 1st XI and under 17 teams for the years 2008 – 2009. Some of the achievements are,
The 1st XI achieved 7 out right wins, won the John Halangoda Trophy at the Annual Big Match with St. Anthony’s by virtue of the first innings win, regained the Sir Richard Aluvihara Trophy by winning the Limited Over Trophy with St. Anthony’s. Two bowlers accomplished the rare feat of capturing 100 wickets each during the same season, became champions at the Thurstan College Invitation Twenty 20 Tournament and group champions – under 19 Division One Tournament. Further. was selected as the best team – Central Province at the Observer Mobitel Cricket Awards. One member of the team was selected to the Sri Lanka under 19 team and another as stand by. Two members each from the under 17 and under 15 teams are also in the National Squads.
The under XVII team became runners up at the all island under 17 Division One tournament.
Rugby Scrummage
We take this opportunity to wish success to the new committee headed by Mr. Channa Kalugampitiya and Mr. Haris Omar as Secretary. This committee has obtained the services of the former Army coach from UK Mr. Martin Jones for the upcoming 2010 season. Mr. Alex Lazarus has been appointed as the Director of Rugby of Trinity for the year 2010 and we wish them both a successful season.
An interim committee headed by Mr. Mohan Samarakoon and Iswan Omar as the Secretary was appointed to restructure the OTSC. We appeal to all Old Boys who are yet to be members to join the Club in order to make it financially viable.
A special Tie has been made for the use of Old Boys which we hope to patent. The full college crest is woven at the bottom of the tie. The first 250 ties are priced at Rs. 750/- each and thereafter Rs. 1000/- per tie. The ties are available at the Secretariat.
It is with sadness we record the passing away of the following Old Boys since our last Newsletter in August 2009.
Dr. W.R. Breckenridge (1942 to 1956 – Garrett / Ryde) – Past Principal
Maj. Gen. Abaya Hulangamuwa (1942 to 1954 - Napier)
Mr. Rohan Madena (1952 to 1960 - Napier) - First Manager of the OBA Secretariat
Mr. Leonard de Soyza (1935 to 1947 – Garrett)
Mr. Kithsiri Seneviratne (1938 to 1950 – Garrett)
Mr. Ivor Ferdinands (1936 to 1940 – Ryde)
Mr. Lionel Pilimatalavuva (1942 to 1952 – Napier)
Mr. S.N.R.B. Ratnayake (1954 to 1962 Lemuel)
Dr. W.R. Breckenridge Former Principal (1999 to 2003)
Mr. Ravana Wijeyeratne
Trinity College Kandy Old Boys’ Association

Trinity College Kandy Old Boys’ Association
The Secretariat
Trinity College Kandy

TP: 081-4925773 Fax: 081-4925773